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Welcome to Reception 2023-2024


We are looking forward to an exciting school year. 

If you have any questions, you may find the answers you need below. If there is anything else you would like to ask or comment on, please speak to a member of staff in the mornings or at collection time.



Mrs Carr  - R1 Class Teacher and Early Years Lead     

Mrs Bailey - R2 Class Teacher

Mrs Naylor - Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Cleaver - Teaching Assistant

Mrs Jason- Teaching Assistant

Miss Bramwell - Teaching Assistant 



Timings for School Day 

  • Monday to Thursday - 8:30am - 3:30pm
  • Fridays - 8:30am - 1:30pm (Gates open at 1:25pm)

Key Dates 


Dates for Term: 

  • PE lessons are on a Tuesday, please ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit: blue joggers, white t-shirt, school jumper and plain trainers. 
  • Wednesday 3rd July - Transition Day. All children to learn in their new classrooms. Nursery children in for Stay and Play.
  • Thursday 4th July - school closed for voting. INSET day for staff. 
  • Friday 5th July - Summer Fayre 1-3pm.
  • Monday 8th July - Transition Day. All children to learn in their new classrooms. Nursery children in for Stay and Play. 
  • Thursday 11th July - EYFS/KS1 Sports Day. 9am - 10:30am. 
  • Thursday 18th July - Rocksteady concert for children and parents in hall. 2:30- 3:30pm.
  • Friday 19th July - Last Day of term. 


Key Information 2023-2024

  • PE Lessons for Reception take place on Tuesday.  
  • Shared library books given out on a Monday to be returned the next Monday. 
  • Phonics books will be sent out when your child is confident at blending the sounds taught. They will be sent out on a Thursday or Friday to be returned the following Monday.
  • All children to keep their reading diaries in their book bag daily so we can record when we have read with your child. 
  • Homework will be sent out on a Monday to be returned the following Monday. It will be based on the phonics that will be taught that week.
  • A Walking Bus meets at St Paul's Convent at 8:10am every morning. 
  • Earrings are not allowed in school.
  • Please write your child's name on their uniform and spare clothing. Spare clothing can be left on your child's peg in the classroom.
  • A £20 donation for Reception resources/ replenishments would be greatly appreciated. This can be paid in cash to the front office or into the school account. Bank account name: St Edward’s Catholic Primary School Fund Account number: 20197068 Sort code: 20-08-64



Letter Formation Sheets

Reception Phonics Homework 

Week Beginning 17th June

We were so proud of all the children for their wonderful assembly on Thursday. We thought they were amazing and we hope you did too. Thank you everyone who attended the assembly. The turnout was amazing and much appreciated as the children were so proud to show you their work.

Week Beginning 10th June

It has been an exciting week in Reception as we have had the arrival of our class caterpillars. The children have been watching them grow and talking about their lifecycle. The children have also been practising for their upcoming assembly. They have been very enthusiastic with singing their songs and have been learning their lines too. Thank you for your support with this. We look forward to seeing you next Thursday at 2:30pm in the school hall. 

In maths, the children have been using rekenreks to practise their counting and subitising skills. They have been learning to quickly recall subtraction facts for number bonds to 5 and also been recalling their doubles to 10. 




Week Beginning 3rd June

This week the children enjoyed learning about the order of numbers to 10 on a number track. They created towers of each number deciding if it was greater or less than the next number. The children also learnt about the symbols of the Holy Spirit and how it changed the lives of people. 

On Friday, we enjoyed Italian Day. They had great fun learning how to dance to an Italian song and also took part in lots of Italian themed activities e.g. creating an Italian flag, decorating a Venetian mask and creating Italian landmarks in the construction area. At lunch time they enjoyed an Italian themed dinner and loved how the decorations in the hall. 

Week Beginning 20th May

This week, we have been focusing on taking turns and playing games with rules to follow. The children have also been practising their phonics and mathematics skills through their play. in RE, we have been learning about Pentecost and the changes the Holy Spirit made to the lives of others. 

Week Beginning 13th May

On Friday, the children enjoyed spending time in the forest school and had great fun creating disgusting sandwiches linked to our class text. We discussed the creatures in the book and where they would live. The children found lots of minibeasts and even managed to find a badger set on the KS2 field. 

Week Beginning 29th April

Week Beginning 22nd April

On Monday we celebrated Earth Day with the children. We discussed how we can make small changes to help our planet and decided upon five things that we can do to help. The children also sang the song ‘This is the Moment.’

This week the children have enjoyed learning about minibeasts and have begun exploring where they live. They have been learning about what a minibeasts and insects are. We have explored their features (e.g. antennae​​​​, legs, wings) and have begun looking for minibeasts in the outdoors. 

In Drawing Club this week we have been reading Superworm. The children drew some fantastic drawings of the characters and setting. We are very proud of their efforts to write sentences and labels. 

Wiggly Woo | Early Years - Nursery Rhymes

Week Beginning - 8th April

Number Bonds to 5 Song

Week Beginning - 18th March

Week Beginning 11th March

This week the children have been learning all about the events of Holy Week. They enjoyed taking part in role play of Palm Sunday and have been discussing how others felt as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The children have also been taking part in Lenten fundraising and have showed great enthusiasm for cheering on their classmates as they took part in our Reception fundraising game. 

Week Beginning - 4th March 2024

This week has been a very busy week. The children have enjoyed listening to the story ‘The Barnabus Project.’ They enjoyed creating their own maps based on the story and also designed their own mismatched creatures. On World Book Day they enjoyed this own mismatched outfits or pyjamas. 

On Friday the children enjoyed Outdoor Day and had great fun exploring the forest school for signs of spring.

World Book Day

Mount Pleasant Farm Trip

This week the children have begun learning about farms and the different animals that live on them. On Wednesday we went on a trip to a local farm and learnt all about the animals there. We also learnt about what foods and  products come from farms. The children had great fun feeding and touching the animals. 

Week Beginning 19.02.24

This week the children enjoyed listening to music by the band UB40. They had fun creating their own musical instruments and sharing them with their friends. On Monday children took part in a whole school assembly and sang our new school song to the tune of ‘Food for Thought’ by UB40.

Week Beginning 5th February - Lunar New Year Celebrations

This week the children loved learning all about Lunar New Year. They loved finding out which animal was celebrated the year they were born. This year is the year of the dragon so the children took part in a dragon dance and made their own dragon crafts. We also listened to the story of how each year was named and enjoyed watching videos of children sharing how they celebrate Lunar New Year.

Online Safety Day Tuesday 6th February

The children in Reception  took part in Online Safety Day using the story of Mo and Jaz from the UK Safer Internet Centre. We talked about what we like to do online and what we can do if we see something we don't like online. We talked about how it is important to always tell an adult if something on the internet makes us feel sad or scared.

Things we like on do online:

  • Play Barbie games,
  • play on our Mum's phone,
  • play on the Switch,
  • watch cartoons on the Ipad,
  • watch Youtube,
  • watch Snow White with my family and have popcorn

Week Beginning 29th January

A big well done to the children for a wonderful Mass on Wednesday. We were very proud of them. They enjoyed seeing their Year 5 buddies again and also learning about how Saint John Bosco helped children in need.


On Thursday the children took part in our reading/phonics workshop in the hall. They have been working hard on their phonics and on developing their reading skills. We would like to thank all of the parents/family members that supported during the week. 




Week Beginning 22nd January

This week the children enjoyed learning about Baptism and the different symbols of Baptism (Holy water, font, white garment and candle). The children role played the celebration of Baptism and discussed the symbols. 

Millie and Miss Atkins came to visit the Reception children this week. The children enjoyed having Millie in the classrooms and listened carefully as Miss Atkins explained how she helps children in our school. 

Week Beginning 15th January 2024

This week we started our topic of 'People Who Help Us' (Everyday Heroes). The children had great fun taking part in Drawing Club linked to the story of Supertato. They enjoyed lots of activities linked to this book e.g. creating a trap for Evil Pea, designing a costume for super vegetables and also creating their own villains. 


In phonics the children learnt the following sounds - oo (zoom to the moon), oo (hook a book), ar and or. We also focused on tricky words you and was. In mathematics we focused on recognising squares and rectangles. 


On Thursday the children went on a trip to the Children's Play Village, as part of our People Who Help Us topic. The children had the opportunity to take part in imaginative play in a different setting and enjoyed pretending to have a range of occupations (e.g. fire fighter, postal worker, hairdresser, vet, doctor and teacher). It was great fun for the children. A big thank you to all of the parents who attended this trip, your support was much appreciated. 

Week Beginning 8th January 2024

Welcome back after the holidays. We hope you have had a lovely time with your families and we would like to wish you a Happy New Year. The children have had a wonderful week and settled quickly back into their learning.


This week we have been reading the book 'Refuge.' This story tells the Nativity story from the point of view of the donkey and details Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem. The children enjoyed revisiting songs that linked to the Nativity story and also loved retelling the story. 


In phonics we focused on the following sounds - ai, ee, igh and oa. We also practised tricky words - I , the, is and as. In mathematics, the children recapped their learning on 2D shapes and focused on recognising circles and triangles. 

Week Beginning 18th December

This week the children have enjoyed getting into the Christmas spirit. They had great fun meeting their Year 5 buddies and taking part in Christmas activities and an Advent prayer service. 


We have been very proud of the children for the progress and effort they have put in during this term. We look forward to seeing them when they get back. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone and we hope you have a lovely break with the children. 


Thank you for your support in aiding the children’s learning and also your generosity throughout the Christmas period.


Week Beginning 11th December 

A big well done to all of the children in Reception and KS1 for their fantastic nativity this week. It was great to see how enthusiastic the children were. We were all very proud of their efforts and behaviour. 

It was a very busy week this week with the Christmas bauble workshop, pantomime and Christmas Fayre also taking place. The children loved decorating their own baubles and have also enjoyed taking part in lots Christmas activities this week.

Week 4th December 2023

On Monday we had the Rudolph Run with our Year 5 Buddies. We enjoyed getting into the Christmas spirit and raising money to help others as part of our Advent preparations. Thank you for your support with this and your continued generosity with donations for the Christmas Fair and the toy appeal. 


In ‘Drawing Club’ this week the children have enjoyed watching clips from ‘Wacky Races’ and have been working on their fine motor and creative skills. They have been using their imaginations to create cars for the race and design their own races. It has been lovely to see their drawings progress and to listen to the children's thoughtful and creative responses. 


This week we have also been practising for the nativity next week. Reception will be singing a class song and supporting with singing throughout the performance. 

Rudolph Run

Week Beginning 27th November

This week the children enjoyed spending time with their Year 5 buddy during our Advent craft morning. It was lovely to see the older children being so kind and caring towards their Reception buddy. They made some very creative Advent wreaths that we will use for our classroom displays. Reception will be learning all about Advent in the coming weeks as we prepare for Christmas. They have been practising singing for the EYFS/KS1 nativity and are really trying hard to learn the words and actions to the songs. 


The children are looking forward to seeing the buddies again next week on Monday during our Rudolph Run. It is a lovely opportunity for the children to fundraise for Birmingham Hospice. 


Week Beginning 20th November 

This week we have started reading the book Owl Babies in class. The children have enjoyed taking part in 'Drawing Club' using this book as a stimulus. They have been working on developing their fine motor skills and communication skills through imaginative drawings and creating codes (numbers and words) that bring the text alive. It has been great to see their enthusiasm and sharing a love of books with each other. 


On Thursday we enjoyed Outdoor Day and spent time in the forest. We discussed nocturnal animals (linked to Owl Babies) and created hedgehog houses in the forest. The children enjoyed exploring the forest and the freedom the outdoors brings. 

Week Beginning 13th November

This week the children had a lovely time learning all about the celebration of Diwali. They enjoyed creating their own mendhi hands, creating fireworks and rangoli patterns. It has been wonderful to see their curiosity about different celebrations and festivals. 


In RE we have begun a new unit of work called 'People Who Care for Us.' We have been talking about the people who care for us and how they show they care. The children have also been learning about Jesus' family (Mary and Joseph) and how they cared for him.


In phonics we have been learning the following phonemes - v, w, x and y. The children have also been taught the following tricky words - has, his and her. 

Week Beginning - 6th November 2023


A big well done to all the Reception children for your wonderful Blessing in church on Thursday. We are very proud of how you took part in the service! It was lovely to see how much support the children had from their Year 5 buddies and also their family members who attended. Many thanks for your support with walking to church throughout the week. 


This week in phonics the children learnt the following phonemes - j, ff, ll, and ss. The tricky word was 'as'. The children have been practising letter formation and any support with this at home would be greatly appreciated. Please can you also support your child with reading and writing their name. 


In mathematics we explored how to show 5 on our fingers and used the '5 Little Peas in a Peapod' rhyme to support this. Our number of the week was 6 and we have been practising recognition of this number and how to make 6.


Over the next few weeks the children will be learning about celebrations ( when you do something special for an important event, occasion, or holiday). We have started learning about Bonfire Night and Diwali. If you have any photographs of your own family celebrations we would love to see them. 

Five Little Peas with Lyrics - Nursery Rhyme

Awww, Five Little Peas! Now, watch how they grown in their nice cozy pod!

Autumn 1 - W. B. 23.10.23

Well done to the children for making it through their first half-term in primary school! We have all been very proud of the amazing progress they have made so far. Thank you for the support you have given as it has a massive impact on giving the children a successful start to school life. 


This week the children have really enjoyed learning more about autumn and have also been recapping their learning about God's creations. We talked about the gifts God has given us and how we use them. The children enjoyed meeting their Year 5 buddies twice this week to practise for the upcoming Blessing in church. We are looking forward to visiting the church for a practice on Tuesday 7th November before the Blessing on Thursday 9th November. 


After half term - 


After half term we will be learning all about different celebrations and will be exploring what happens on Diwali, Remembrance Day and Bonfire Night.


We will also be learning the following sounds in phonics - ff, ss, ll and j. Oral blending and blending to read and spell. Tricky words will be put, pull, full and as. In guided writing we will focus on initial sounds and begin to segment CVC words.


Number of the Week - 6.

Word of the Week - celebration (when you do something special for an important event, occasion or holiday). 

I Can Show the Number 5 in Many Ways | Number Recognition | Jack Hartmann

Learn about the number 5. Learn the different ways number 5 can be represented.

Autumn 1 - Week Beginning 16th October 

This week the children had great fun celebrating Black History Month through an African drumming session. They all had the opportunity to take part in a call and response drumming session. We were really impressed with the children's final performance and efforts throughout. 


We have learning about number 4 and have learnt the stem sentences - '3 and one more is 4'. The children explored their own ways of making number 4 using unifix cubes.


In phonics we focused on the following phonemes (sounds) - h, b, f, l and also tricky words 'the', 'is' and 'I'. The children are making good progress with their phonics knowledge and we appreciate all of the support you are giving them at home. 


We look forward to sharing your child's progress with you on Parents' Evening next week. 

I Can Show the Number 4 in Many Ways | Number Recognition Four | Jack Hartmann

Jack Hartmann's I Can Show the Number 4 shows the different ways number 4 can be represented. Learn about the number 4 in this number song. Learn the different ways number 4 can be represented. See the number four on a number line, five frame, ten frame, numeral, word, dice, dominoes, tally mark, fingers and picture representations.

Autumn 1 - Week Beginning 9th October 

This week we have been learning about the Bible and the Creation Story. The children have created a class display showing all of the wonderful things that God has made. 


We have learning about number 3 and have learnt the stem sentences -  '1 and another 1 and another 1 makes 3' and '2 and one more is 3'. The children explored their own ways of making number 3. 


In phonics we focused on the following phonemes (sounds) - ck, e, u, r and also trick words 'is' and 'I'. The children are making good progress with their phonics knowledge and we appreciate all of the support you are giving them at home. 


The children met their Year 5 buddies this week and have been enjoying getting to know them. On Friday, we celebrated St Edward's Day together and created crowns to remind the children that St Edward was a king. 



Autumn 1 - Week 4 (W.B. 2nd October)

Wow, it has been a very busy week! On Monday we had a visit from the Animal Man and learnt all about a variety of animals including a pacman frog, a legless lizard, a skunk and corn snake. The children then enjoyed Outdoor Day on Tuesday and have begun exploring signs of autumn around our school. We have created nature tables in our classrooms and have been learning to use magnifying glasses correctly to examine our autumn treasure. The children have also enjoyed reading the book ‘Peep inside a Tree.’ Please talk to your child about the signs of autumn. On Wednesday we had a visit from Phil who talked to the children animals and their different habitats. The children made a class bug hotel.


In phonics the children have begun learning the following sounds: g, o, c and and have brought home phonics homework to be completed by next Monday. The tricky word taught this week was 'is.' Tricky words are read by sight and do not need to be sounded out. We would appreciate any support you can give with helping your child with phonics. 


We have completed the RE baseline and have started teaching our first RE unit on Creation. The children have been learning about the Bible and how it is a special book containing stories about God and Jesus. We have been discussing God’s creations and have been on a walk around our school looking for all of the things God created in nature.

Nursery Rhyme of the Week - Two Little Dickie Birds

Number of the Week - I Can Show the Number 2 in Many Ways.

Learn about the number 2. Learn the different ways number 2 can be represented. See the number two on a number line, five frame, ten frame, numeral, word, dice, dominoes, tally mark, fingers and picture representations.

W.B. 25.09.23


It has been another wonderful week in Reception and we are very pleased with how well the children have adapted to their new phonics lessons. We have started maths this week following the 'Mastery Number' scheme. The overview for the term can be found in above resource area. 


This week's learning included: 

Phonics: i, n, m, d and oral blending 

Number of the week:

Nursery rhyme of the week: Dingle Dangle Scarecrow 

Word of the week: behind

Maths: subitising (instantly recognising the number of objects in a small group, without counting) up to 3. 




Number of the Week - I Can Show the Number 1 in Many Ways | Number Recognition One Song

Nursery Rhyme/Song of the Week - Dingle Dangle Scarecrow

W.B. 18.09.23

Well done to the children for their first full week in school! This week the children began their first formal phonics lessons and have been learning the following phonemes (sounds) - s,a,t,p. We have been practising initial sounds and have used objects to match with the sound. The children have enjoyed sorting the objects. We have also practised forming the letters (graphemes) and we are assessing the children's name writing and pencil grip. 


Next week we look forward to beginning our mathematics lessons. We will be focusing on matching numerals to quantities (1-5) and also subitising (recognising amounts without counting) sets of objects up to 3. 


We have been learning the skills of how to be a good listener (looking at person speaking, staying quiet, sitting still, listening to all of the words) and have been playing lots of games to help with this. Our nursery rhyme of the week was 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' and our concept of the week was last. 


Nursery Rhyme of the Week - Head Shoulders Knees And Toes

W.B. 11.09.23

Well done to all our Reception children who had a fantastic first week in school. They are settling well into school life and have enjoyed exploring their new classrooms. The children have been working hard on making new friendships and are getting used to the daily routines in school. 

We are looking forward to next week as we will begin to teach phonics. The children will learn 4 new sounds in the week (s, a, p, t) and will be practising them throughout the week. The will also continue to learn key concepts. This week we discussed ‘first’ and next week they will learn ‘last.’ We use Word Aware and Concept Cat to support their understanding of key concepts.


This week our nursery rhyme of the week was - 1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught a Fish.







This week's learning ...

Nursery Rhyme of the Week - 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive

Reception Class Prayers
