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Year Two

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

Autumn 1, Week 4


We were so sad to have postponed today's Outdoor Day due to the weather, we are in the process of finding dates to reschedule it! However the children came in in high spirits and we completed lots of Science experiments instead to help Noah build his Ark. In Maths, we have been learning about the numbers 20-100 and how to represent them. The children have also started to plan their first big write based on our story 'The River'; we have seen lots of amazing writing this week so the children should all be very proud of themselves. We have created abstract maps in Art, planned routes to school in Geography and learned about the stories of Daniel and Jonah in RE.

Autumn 1, Week 2


We have made a fantastic start to Year 2!

This week, the children were introduced to our Year 2 vehicle text 'A River' by Marc Martin. Then using the text, we were able to construct alliteration poems. The children particularly enjoyed exploring the illustrations in the book. In Maths, we have been looking at the numbers 11-19, including how to make and break them as a 'ten and a bit'. The children have been introduced to our Geography and Art units of 'Our Local Area'- next week we are looking forward to writing postcards and making our own felt maps! As well as this, we have started our RE unit where we are looking at stories from the Old Testament, make sure you ask them about Noah's Ark. In P.E., we explored travel and movement through a variety of different games. This helps the children to learn a range of techniques which will help them in an array of sport games. 


We hope to see as many parents as possible at the Meet the Teacher session on Monday 16th September at 2:30pm. 

Dear Year 2 children and parents,


Welcome to our class page, we are so excited to be able to share what goes on inside and outside of the classroom with you all! Our Year 2 team consists of Miss Avery (teacher of 2AA), Miss McMillan (teacher of 2IM), Miss Jones, Mrs Connaughton and Mrs Naylor; we are all happy to help in any way we can.


Our P.E. days are currently on Monday and Thursdays and just like last year, children can come to school in their PE kit for the whole day. Please remember that no earrings should be worn during lessons and a white round neck t-shirt and plain royal blue shorts/ royal blue or navy tracksuit bottoms should be worn.


We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the children this week and have already seen lots wonderful personalities shining through!


Please don't hesitate to contact us if there are any issues through


Best wishes,

Miss Avery and Miss McMillan
