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Year Two

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

Spring 1, Week 6

Thank you so much to the parents for joining us for Parents’ Evening. We really enjoyed meeting and talking about your children’s progress. They are working really hard and we are so proud of them. On Thursday this week, we enjoyed a Day of Action where the children empathised with the lives and struggles of refugees in our modern world. The children created their own chairs of welcome for refugees which we presented together with KS1 to the school. Today, the children are enjoying Computing Day learning how to make an eBook.

Also we would like to extend a huge well done to 2IM for their prayer service all about love on Wednesday! Thank you to all of the parents that attended, it was lovely to see so many of you there.


Happy half-term everyone!

Spring 1, Week 5

It has been another busy week in Year 2. The children started off by publishing the their big writes- they cannot wait for you to see them next week! We also have been focusing on the 2 times table in Maths, focusing on spotting patterns and using their knowledge to problem solve and find the adjacent multiple. In RE, we have focused on the Parable of the Talents and Parable of the Sower. 

2IM have also been busy practicing their Prayer Service. The prayer service will begin at 9:15am on Wednesday. Please could any attending parents sign in through the office at 9am ready for a prompt start. You are all very welcome!

Spring 1, Week 4

It has been another eventful week in Year 2. The children have now finished writing their finding narrative, inspired by The Bog Baby book. It is fantastic to see the level of enthusiasm and engagement that the children are showing towards this book. 

In Maths, the children have continued to explore multiplication through grouping. They have been writing multiplication equations and have identified the factors and the product. 

Spring 1, Week 3

What a fantastic week it has been in Year 2! A huge well done to all the children in 2AA for their beautiful Mass, and thank you to all the parents who were able to attend—it was wonderful to see so many of you there. The children had a brilliant time during Outdoor Day, filled with exciting activities like creating 'Prayeroplanes,' embarking on a minibeast hunt, and building shelters and dens in forest school. It was a joy to see their enthusiasm shine throughout the day!

Back in the classroom, the children have also been diving into their Big Write about their very own Bog Baby. This morning we enjoyed a launch day for the 2025 Jubilee. The three key themes are prayer, social action and fundraising. There is more information about this on the CAFOD website. We will be learning more about the year of the Jubilee in our lessons and whole-school activities.

Spring 1, Week 2

This week, the children have been incredibly creative in English, enjoying the process of designing and writing about their very own 'Bog Baby'—a delightful activity that sparked their imaginations. In Maths, we’ve been focusing on repeated addition and regrouping as we dive into our new Multiplication Unit. We also had a special celebration with St John’s house in the school hall, which was a joyous occasion for all. Additionally, the Year 3 Mass was a beautiful and reverent experience that the attended with great respect and participation.

As we begin this new term, I’d like to remind you that you can stay updated with Year 2’s curriculum by checking our curriculum overview. This is a great resource to see what we’re covering in class and how you can support your child’s learning at home. 

Welcome Back to Spring 1

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your children a huge welcome back, and we hope you had a lovely holiday. 

In Maths, the children have been using their known number facts to help them bridge 10. In English, the children were introduced to their new books, 'The Bog Baby' by Jeanne Willis Illustrator: Gwen Millward. Since then, they have created some fantastic poems and setting descriptions. 


As part of our effort to encourage consistent reading habits across the year group, we kindly remind you to ensure that your child brings their reading book and diary to school every day and puts them in their trays at the side/back of their classroom. We appreciate your support in making this a daily routine, as it will enable us to keep on top of hearing your child read their scheme book each week, in addition to their guided reading books three times a week.

We have also spoken to the children about completing their reading dairies, some of the children have asked their siblings to complete their diaries which is lovely to see. We enjoy reading the completed records, and are able to see which books the children are reading at home for pleasure too. Thank you for taking the time to fill the records in. 

Autumn 1, Week 4


We were so sad to have postponed today's Outdoor Day due to the weather, we are in the process of finding dates to reschedule it! However the children came in in high spirits and we completed lots of Science experiments instead to help Noah build his Ark. In Maths, we have been learning about the numbers 20-100 and how to represent them. The children have also started to plan their first big write based on our story 'The River'; we have seen lots of amazing writing this week so the children should all be very proud of themselves. We have created abstract maps in Art, planned routes to school in Geography and learned about the stories of Daniel and Jonah in RE.

Autumn 1, Week 2


We have made a fantastic start to Year 2!

This week, the children were introduced to our Year 2 vehicle text 'A River' by Marc Martin. Then using the text, we were able to construct alliteration poems. The children particularly enjoyed exploring the illustrations in the book. In Maths, we have been looking at the numbers 11-19, including how to make and break them as a 'ten and a bit'. The children have been introduced to our Geography and Art units of 'Our Local Area'- next week we are looking forward to writing postcards and making our own felt maps! As well as this, we have started our RE unit where we are looking at stories from the Old Testament, make sure you ask them about Noah's Ark. In P.E., we explored travel and movement through a variety of different games. This helps the children to learn a range of techniques which will help them in an array of sport games. 


We hope to see as many parents as possible at the Meet the Teacher session on Monday 16th September at 2:30pm. 

Dear Year 2 children and parents,


Welcome to our class page, we are so excited to be able to share what goes on inside and outside of the classroom with you all! Our Year 2 team consists of Miss Avery (teacher of 2AA), Miss McMillan (teacher of 2IM), Miss Jones, Mrs Connaughton and Mrs Naylor; we are all happy to help in any way we can.


Our P.E. days are currently on Monday and Thursdays and just like last year, children can come to school in their PE kit for the whole day. Please remember that no earrings should be worn during lessons and a white round neck t-shirt and plain royal blue shorts/ royal blue or navy tracksuit bottoms should be worn.


We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the children this week and have already seen lots wonderful personalities shining through!


Please don't hesitate to contact us if there are any issues through


Best wishes,

Miss Avery and Miss McMillan
