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Breakfast Club, After School GSA Club and Extra Curricular Clubs

Breakfast Club 

St Edward's Breakfast Club 7:30-8:30am


Thankyou for supporting our new arrangements for breakfast club. All children must enter through the front gate to the main reception. A member of staff will be wearing a hi-vis jacket and guide your child though to the main hall. All children will be registered in this way until 8:30am. There is a good selection of hot and cold breakfasts for your child to purchase in the dining hall, if they wish.


We believe that this is a fantastic facility to offer at such a low cost to our families as we are heavily subsidising this facility. (£48 per family/ £33 per single child family, per half term is the current cost). We do however ask that all payments are made on time, as we would like to continue to provide this club for our children for the foreseeable future.


Please be aware of the safety of our children. Please ensure that your child is brought to the member of staff at the front gate. It is not acceptable to drop your child from the car and then drive off. Parents must supervise their own child at this point. Please ensure that you park with some consideration for our local residents, who may be going to work themselves.


Our Breakfast club is well supervised, held in a central place in the school; it is a relaxed, sociable opportunity for your child to meet with their friends, chat, play games inside and outside, read and have the opportunities to draw, in addition to eating breakfast! Breakfast club supports our working families by opening from 7:30am and all at a extremely reasonable price.

GSA After School Club

The GSA Multi-Sports After School Club is a popular choice for both parents and children at St Edwards Primary School. 

Children will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of fun sporting activities to help develop their fitness, physical skills and social skills. Multi-Sports uses a combination of qualified sports coaches, teachers and teaching assistants to help the club run smoothly and safely. All staff DBS checked and safe to work with children. The clubs runs from the end of the school day to 5:30 which makes it a great option for parents who have work or other commitments.  

Extra Curricular Clubs 

At St Edward's Catholic Primary School, we endeavour to provide extra curricular clubs for all year groups so that our children have the opportunity to experience a wide range of physical, practical and creative activities  run by both school staff and outside providers. 


We are building up a range of clubs to be on offer for children from all year groups and vary from term to term  so watch this space.


Any questions or queries relating to our extra curricular provision please contact:

Miss Avery/ Mrs Curtis (Extra Curricular Coordinator) 


Timetable to follow - this is currently being updated for 2024/25


Our Curriculum Intent

Children at St Edward’s are given the opportunity to grow as well rounded individuals through engaging in an exciting broad and balanced curriculum which includes a wide range of extra-curricular activities. From sports tournaments to clubs, our children are able nurture and grow the gifts and talents that God has given them. We endeavour to provide clubs that reflect our diverse community, allowing children to develop their self-esteem with their friends, whilst most importantly enjoying themselves and developing or enhancing their skills.

The benefits of attending an extra curricular club
