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Year Five

Autumn 1: Week 7


This week Year 5 had an exciting visit from Professor Mc Ginty, who shared fascinating information about the ancient Greeks, their gods, and their system of government. The highlight of the day was getting to handle real Greek artefacts that were thousands of years old, which made the experience even more incredible.

Autumn 1 - Week 6


During outdoor day we worked as a team to build a rocket and undertook some team games. We were developing the following skills:


  Team building Confidence and self-esteem;

• Communication and social skills;

• Physical skills;

• Greater understanding and awareness of the natural environment;

• Natural motivation and a positive attitude to learning;

• The ability to recognise and manage risk;

• Healthier lifestyles.

Autumn 1 - Week 5 and Week 6


We prepared and presented our school council presentations to the class of children. Presenting helped us develop our confidence, communication skills, and the ability to express ideas clearly. It also allowed us to share our opinions and ideas, engage with others as we had to answer questions, and we improved our public speaking abilities, which are valuable skills for the future.

Autumn 1 - Week 5


The Loudmouth Theatre Group visited us to talk about some important topics, and we learned how to handle those situations effectively.

A little bit about Mrs. Hill - 5DH


Hello, my name is Mrs. Hill and I am so excited to be the teacher in 5DH this year! I've been teaching for over 13 years in every year group so I know we are going to have a lot of fun together. I am lucky enough to lead Geography and Outdoor Learning and love to watch the children's faces when they learn about a new wonder in our world and particularly enjoy getting drawn into their curious questions.


As a child I grew up in Ireland and my hobbies varied from Irish dancing to football or building damns in streams, so have always liked to keep active. Nowadays I enjoy a run or two and have waved at many St. Edwards children on my travels. I grew up with eleven brothers and sisters and also have a family of my own so the children in my class will often hear me talking about them.  


I am really looking forward to getting to know you and your child. If you need anything, I am always here to listen and help where I can. There are many adults who may be working with your child at some point but incase any of you are unsure of what I look like see if you can find me on the 'Who's who' page in the information tab.


We have many ways to communicate here at school, but currently the most efficient way would be to email the email address which will be checked regularly and will try to respond to you as quickly as I can.



I am looking forward to a year full of adventures. Let's make it the best one yet!

A little bit about Miss O' Brien - 5SO


Hello and welcome to Year 5! My name is Miss O'Brien and I am the Class Teacher of 5SO. 
I have been teaching for three years; this being my second year in Year 5. I particularly enjoy Year 5 as the children grow so much in maturity and individuality, it is wonderful to watch them gain their self-confidence. 


In my spare time, I love to bake cakes and spend time with my children. Your children will hear all about them! 


I am so excited to get to know your children this year!  

I can be contacted via email: FAO Miss O'Brien and can be spoken to at dismissal time, after all other children have been dismissed. 







This term we are learning this prayer.

We would appreciate it if you could support at home by reciting this with your child every night. 


The Magnificat



My soul glorifies the Lord,

My spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour.

He looks on his servant in her loneliness;

henceforth all ages will call me blessed.


The Almighty works marvels for me.

Holy his name!

His mercy is from age to age,

on those who fear him.

My soul glorifies the Lord,

My spirit rejoices in God, my Saviour.

He looks on his servant in her loneliness;

henceforth all ages will call me blessed.


The Almighty works marvels for me.

Holy his name!

His mercy is from age to age,

on those who fear him.



He puts forth his arm in strength

and scatters the proud-hearted.

He casts the mighty from their thrones

and raises the lowly.


He fills the starving with good things,

sends the rich away empty.

He protects Israel, his servant,

remembering his mercy,

the mercy promised to our fathers,

to Abraham and his sons for ever.






Autumn Term Week 1


We have had a wonderful time welcoming back the children this week. We have been very busy recapping our learning from Year 4 and getting to know your children better. During Maths, we have completed some assessments and played some fun games. In our English lessons we have been talking about What St Edward's means to us. This will be the base for our 'Big Write' next week. 
We have also completed our Safeguarding Paws, where the children pick five adults in school that they can talk to if something is worrying them. This is very important for the children to feel safe and secure at school, knowing they have five adults that they can speak to about any worries they are having. 


We look forward to next week! 
