P.E Lessons
Year 6
In Year 6, we have started our learning in PE with hockey. During our lessons, we have been focusing on controlling the ball using the hockey stick. We have shown really impressive skills when learning to dribble, push pass and slap pass. In our next outdoor lesson, we will be looking at interception and this will challenge our skills in passing.
Year 4- Rugby
This half term, we have been very lucky to have Coach Colm and Dylan come in to school to teach us some rugby. During lessons, we have been focusing on the throwing and catching skills that are specific to rugby, as well as our team working skills. We have been really impressed with the children’s skills and how quickly they have picked up the rules of the sport. Well done year 4!
Year 3 - Gymnastics
In Year 3 we have been working on our gymnastics skills. This week we have practiced balances using different parts of our bodies and at different levels. We created a routine with a partner demonstrating our creative balancing ideas.
Year 2 - Ball Skills
In Year 2, we have been improving our ball skills. We have looked at using the sole and inside of our feet to control and pass a ball to one another. To finish, we tried kicking the ball and hitting a target. Take a look at some of our impressive passes!
Year 1- Gymnastics

In Year 1 we have been doing gymnastics. 1JW have been performing rocket, moon and star jumps.
Year 1- Aston Villa
We have had lessons with Coach James, where we have been able to practice our skills of “see and avoid” when moving around a space.
Aston Villa

PE Kit
Every child at St Edwards receives two hours of PE per week, one indoor and one outdoor. Your child is allowed to come to school dressed in their full PE kit on the days they have PE, which will be communicated with you at the beginning of each half term. The kit requirements are as follows:
Indoor PE: A white t-shirt with the school badge, blue shorts and black indoor pumps.
Outdoor PE: Same as above, but children can wear navy tracksuit bottoms and trainers.
For PE lessons, hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn.