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Reception Curriculum Overview 2024-25

Important dates 


Wednesday 23rd October - Reception parents evening. Please respond to the email you will be receiving in order to choose your preferred time to meet with teachers between 3:45 and 5pm. 


Wednesday 6th November at 2pm - Reception blessing at St Edward's Church. All families are warmly invited to attend. 




Reception - Week 6 


Reception have had an another very productive week. We have completed all of our phonics learning for this half term and will begin our assessments next week, the results of which we will share with you during Parents evening (Wednesday 23rd October). We have continued our R.E. lessons based on creation and celebrated our first prayer service together in class. Reception were given the challenge to draw or make their own picture symbolising their favourite part of God's creation, we can't wait to see them! We have also made a craft to practice doing the sign of the cross in the correct order, please encourage your child to show you at home. 


We look forward to the final week of Autumn 1 half term next week, please be reminded school is closed due teacher training on Friday 15th October. 


Reception - week 5


This week in Reception we have continued to work exceptionally hard. We have learned the sounds CK, u, e, r in our phonics lessons and explored the number 4 in Maths. We have also been continuing to orally retell the build up bear section of our story 'the something' and worked hard to write initial sounds and some short CVC words. We rounded off our week with RE lessons on creation and celebrating St Edwards day with some fantastic crowns. We are also continuing to work hard on doing the sign of the cross, please continue to practice at home! Thank you.

Reception - Week 4


This week in Reception, we began our R.E lessons with the story of Creation. We listened to the story from the Bible and recalled all the things that God created and voted whether they were made by God or man-made. We then went on a nature walk and explored God's creations in our environment. Using this inspiration, we then used paints and collage to express one of God's special creations, including ourselves!


In R.E. we also began to use the sign of the cross and will be using prayers throughout the day such as morning, before and after lunch and the home time prayer, please support your child in learning these at home. We also began sending home our prayer bag, which will happen every Friday. We were very impressed with Reception's respect and curiosity for R.E lessons - well done. 

Reception - Week 3


This week Reception have continued to work incredibly hard on their phonics this week and began blending using new sounds including m,n,d,i such as d-i-p. Please continue to work hard on these sounds and working with your child at home, especially their weekly homework. In Maths, we have been successfully subitising to the number 3 and been able to recognise it through lots of outdoor games. We also began to discuss the season of Autumn and thought of some questions we would like answered about the changes we can see around us. Perhaps when you are out over the weekend, you might spot some seasonal changes to show Autumn has well and truly arrived. 

Reception week 2


Reception have continued to be superstars this week. Their teachers are so impressed with their hard work in phonics, we have learned the graphemes and phonemes for s, a, t, p this week! Keep practicing writing these letters and identifying words with these sounds at home. We also worked hard on our number of the week - number 1! We looked at all the different ways one can be represented and played I spy to find number one in all of its forms. We also enjoyed starting our Ready Steady Write lessons and learned the story 'Dan and the Ball.' Our story friends helped us learn it off by heart using actions and we explored our outdoor area to find Dan's missing red ball in the deep dark hole.
We look forward to exploring the story further next week...

Reception - Week 1


Reception have had an absolutely amazing first week in school. All of their teachers have been so impressed with the way they have settled in and adapted to learning new routines. It has been a joy to see them make new friends and become much more confident in their new classroom environments. This week we gave the star of the week to every single child in R1 and R2. Keep being fantastic, Reception!


We discussed lots of highlights from our first week but our overall favourite had to be meeting Millie, our school dog. She came into our classroom for the first time and reception asked so many interesting questions and stroked her gently. We cannot wait for her to come back and visit soon!
