"Every child is an artist"
Pablo Picasso
‘Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.’
National Curriculum Art (2014)
At St. Edward’s we encourage our children to develop their creativity and imagination as they experiment with a range of different materials in their art lessons. Our pupils have the opportunity to sketch, draw and make to develop their skills of precision and manipulating materials for effect.
Through our curriculum we hope to give children a variety of exciting opportunities to express themselves through the medium of art and design. We teach children to be creative, challenge themselves and develop a passion for, and understanding of, art and design. We aim for the children to understand how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation. As Pablo Picasso once said, “every child is an artist.” This is something we believe and nurture at St. Edward’s.
The curriculum for art and design aims to ensure that all pupils:
- produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
- become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
- evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
- know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
Key Stage 1
Pupils are taught:
- to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products
- to use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination
- to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
- about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work.
Key Stage 2
Pupils are taught:
- to develop their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design.
- to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
- to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials )for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay)
- about great artists, architects and designers in history.
St Edward's Art 2024 - 2025
Art Whole School Long Term Plan 24-25
Art Progression in Skills 24-25
Christmas Card Project
This year will be our second year taking part in 'The Christmas Card Project'. Last year was highly successful and the commission that we earnt as a school allowed up to purchase a new art scheme for this year, along with more art materials to be used in lessons! We thank you for your support and hope that this year will be just as rewarding.
Art Week
Whole School Art Week - Self-Portraits
During Art Week, every year group focused on learning about and working in the style of a different artist. Every child created a self-portrait, reflecting the style of their chosen artist.
We were also very lucky to have a local artist visit St Edward’s, who worked with Years 1 and 2 to create their beautiful artwork.
Art 2022 - 2023
Knights of Saint Columba Easter Competition
Reception Living things display
After a visit from Phil from ‘Green up your Act’ the Reception children were inspired to make a display about how to save the animals in our oceans, using recycled materials. We think it looks amazing and the children learnt lots about how to create different effects using collage.
Christmas Art projects
The children have been using their creative skills at home to produce some amazing Christmas art using recycled materials. We have also been busy making Advent crafts in school.
Whole School Creation display
In preparation for our whole school retreat with Dan and Emily, each class was asked to produce some art based on 1 day of the creation story. The children used the skills they have been working on in class to create their display. I am sure you will agree the finished work looks amazing. Thank you, also , to any parents who sent in work form home to add to our display.
Reception Art
Linked to our topic 'All About Me' we have looked carefully at ourselves in a mirror and drawn our first self portraits. We also used the loose parts and craft materials to make our faces. Then we drew our families too.
We love being creative and exploring in Reception.
Reception Art

Year 2- Picasso Self-Portraits
The children in Year 2 been learning about the work of Picasso. They looked carefully at his worked and evaluated what they liked, or didn't like, and used his work as inspiration for their own amazing self-portraits.

Year 5- Block Printing
Year 5 studied the work of Maria Rojas and how she used printing to produce wonderful pieces of artwork. We explored different techniques for printing using various objects, including blocks, paper and even feathers!
Art Week - Year 5 - Printing

Art 2021-2022
Take a look at some of our wonderful artwork created so far this year.
Art long term plan 2021-2022
Art Progression in Skills 2021-2022
Art 21-22 statement of Intent
The Queen's Jubilee artwork
As part of or celebrations for the Queen's Jubilee, each class in the school created their own art work on the queen. The children had great fun exploring other artists' work as inspiration for their own portraits.
Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022
The children have been invited to take part in an exciting competition based around the Commonwealth Games that will be taking place in Birmingham this year. The children were asked to create a piece of art work focussing on the sports, countries and ethos of the games. Some classes created their designs in class whilst others were given it for homework, some year groups also chose to work together to create a large group piece . The winning entries have been selected for a secret project which will be revealed later in the year......
In the meantime, take a look at some of the amazing entries that were submitted.
Christmas Art success
Well done to T in Reception and I in Year 4 for your winning Christmas card entries.

Art Success at Saint Edwards
Art in Reception- 'Good to be Me'
The children in Reception enjoyed using different materials to make their self portraits. They were looking closely at the colour of their skin and thinking about the shapes that they could see.
We love art in Reception!
In Reception, we enjoy making art in lots of different ways. We are practicing are skills everyday , evaluating our work and making improvements.
Reception Spirals
The children in Reception have been experimenting with different lines and using their large and fine motor skills to create their own spiral patterns.
Reception- Mondrian portraits and the Queen
Art in Year 1- St Edward
As part of our celebrations for Saint Edward's feast day, the children have been doing some observational drawings, looking closely at the stained glass window of him.
Year 1- Crown making

Year 1 -Monet
Art in Year 2- 'Good to be me' Self portraits
The children have completed their self portraits by looking closely at themselves and thinking about what makes them special. They then looked at the artist Pablo Picasso and created a second self portrait, using his style of art.

Year 2- The Great Fire of London
For this topic, the children experimented with water colours. First they experimented with them to see how they could be used and evaluated the colours they had made. They then used the techniques they had learnt to create a collage linked to their History topic of The Great Fire of London

Year 3- Good to be Me Self Portraits
The children in Year 3 have been refining their pencil drawing skills and looking at the different emotions they can show in their faces. They also studied the work of artist Paul Clee and create their own tissue paper self portraits from their sketches.

Year 3 - Prehistoric Art
The children have looked at various forms of pre-historic art, linked to their Stone Age History topic. They have used pencil crayons to draw their own cave scenes, using the shapes and images that they had seen, and made their own cave paintings using chalk. They looked at the colours used by the stone age artists and selected the same colours for their work. They also created Stone-aged pots and Jewellery for their D and T project linked to the same topic.

Year 3 - Music and Art
The children have listened to the music from the 'Nutcracker' ballet. As they were listening to the music, they thought about how each pieces of music made them feel and drew the images that came into their heads. They selected the colours that they felt match the mood of the music too.

Art in Year 4- 'All About Me'
The children in Year 4 have been learning about the artist Romero Britto and using his bright,bold style to create their own self-portraits using felt tips.

Year 4- The Firework Maker's Daughter.
Inspired by Vincent Van Gough the children used oil pastels to create their own artwork linked to their class text 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Phillip Pullman

Year 4 -Jacob's Ladder
Linked to the RE story where Jacob dreams about a ladder leading from Earth up to Heaven. The children imagined what their own ladder would look like.

Year 4- Commonwealth art
The children have enjoyed creating their entries for our commonwealth games art competition.

Year 5 Art - Commonwealth Art

Year Five Art - Greek Vase Collages

Year 5 Art - Greek Temple Monochrome
Year 5 -Banksy graffiti
Year 6 Art

Year 6- Andy Warhole inspired portraits of The Queen
Art Success at Saint Edwards!
Well done to one of our students, E, who has won a prize in the 'Save our Wildlife' competition. We are very proud of all the children who entered this competition and your work will be displayed in school for everyone to see.
Take a look at the wonderful entries we have had for the 'Save our Wildlife' schools competition. Fingers crossed one of them will win!
Art 2020-2021
Art Gallery Week
The children were busy in the last few weeks of term learning about different artists and creating their own work in the same style. Artists that the children learnt about included: Banksy, Andy Warhole, DaVinci Mondrian, Picasso, Quentin Blake, and Matisse.
The children practiced the techniques used by the different artist and then created their own masterpieces which have been added to an online art gallery. They are available for parents and family members to buy, helping us to raise money for more art supplies to use in school. Below is the link if you would like to view the online gallery.
Visiting Artist Aideen Scott
This week the children were able to get to work with a visiting artist. The children worked together to make a wonderful display show casing our 'Amazing Forest School'. They all really enjoyed it and learnt some new skills too. Take a look below at the work they produced.I think you'll agree the finished display looks amazing.
" Last week I was picked to do some artwork with a visiting artist. We worked on Mirror Art. I found a trick where one of my eyes looks at the mirror and one looks on the other page. This enabled me to have a vision of where I should draw a line. We also used leaf stamps to paint leaves using different colours. I learnt how to create different colours. For example: yellow and red is orange. I enjoyed both activities a lot and it is probably one of my favourite art lessons ever"- Tian
" Last week we were chose to work with an art teacher. We were doing it for the forest display. The art teacher helped us with the art and I learnt lots."- Noah
Royal Mail Stamp Competition 2021
We had some amazing entries for the competition this year. Fingers crossed one of our will be chosen as one of the winning designs. Take a look below and see if you can see your design.
Easter Art competition
Are you in Years 3- 6?
Would you like to take part in our Easter Art competition?
The Knights of Saint Columba have invited us to take part in a competition to draw a picture of the true meaning of Easter- Cash prizes available for the winners!!
If you are interested, please read the flyer below and or ask your teacher for more information.
Good Luck !
'Good to be Me' art week
Linked to our PSHE work, all the children in the school have been thinking about why it is 'good to be me'. They have been looking closely at themselves and what makes them special and unique. Each year group then studied a different style or artist to create their own self-portraits. Have a look and see who you can spot.
Thank you NHS
The children were asked to create some art work for the staff at Queen Elizabeth hospital to help cheer them up when they are working so hard to keep us safe. Here are some pictures of the artwork we sent. I think they look great and we hope they help cheer everybody up.
St Edward's Art 2019-2020
Budding Artists at Saint Edward's
Mrs Bailey is always thrilled to see art work that children have created at home! Here are a few amazing pieces of art that J came to show me this week. I was even lucky enough to get to keep one of the pieces!
MP Steve McCabe's Christmas Card Competition
Just before the holidays we were sent a lovely letter to say that one of our Year 5 pupils was runner up in in the competition to design a Christmas card for our MP Steve McCabe. The prize was tickets to somewhere very exciting!
Now Education Christmas Card Competition
All children in school were asked to take part in a competition run by 'Now Education' to create a design for their promotional Christmas card this year.
3 children from St Edwards were shortlisted: F in 6L, J in 4T and A in 1H.
Unfortunately, they did not make it through to the finals, but we are still very proud of them , and their amazing artwork. Mrs B has got a little prize for you anyway.