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Year Three

Welcome to Year 3

You will find below, some information about the teachers in Year 3 and some further information about the upcoming year.

Some of my favourite sayings....

"We are stars - watch us shine with the gifts that God gave us!" 

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use; the more you have!" 

My name is Miss McTiernan, I have been a teacher here at St. Edward’s since I started my teaching career; over 13 years ago. I have taught in many year groups including Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 and I have thoroughly enjoyed them all for different reasons. I am currently teaching in Year 3, specifically 3SM, and I lead R.E. This was a subject that I chose to study at University whilst training to be a teacher. This year I am also the Assistant Head Teacher which is still very new and an exciting challenge for me.

I did Irish dancing when I was younger, so have always liked to keep active, I still run and do other things and always enjoy seeing the children from St. Edward’s out and about on my travels. They always look quite shocked to see me somewhere other than school! The children in my class will often hear me talking about my family and I particularly like to share stories about my nieces and nephews.

If I had to describe myself in 3 words I would say I was happy, energetic and enthusiastic.

I am really looking forward to the year ahead, getting to know you and your child. If you need anything, I am always here to listen and help where I can. There are many adults who may be working with your child at some point but incase any of you are unsure of what I look like see if you can find me on the 'Who's who' page in the information tab.


We have many ways to communicate here at school, but currently the most efficient way would be to email the email address which will be checked regularly and will try to respond to you as quickly as I can.


Some of my favourite sayings....

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” - Dr Seuss

"Today is a great day to learn something new!"

My name is Mrs Donaghue. I have had lots of experience in Year 1, Year 3 and Year 6 and I have thoroughly enjoyed them all for different reasons. I am currently teaching in Year 3, specifically 3JD. This will be my fifth year teaching at St Edward's. I have spent four years teaching in Year 1 and this will be my first year in Y3 at St. Edward's. I also lead Phonics and Early Reading. I am so pleased that I have such a wonderful class and can't wait for all the fun and learning we are going to do this year!

At university I studied Primary Education with a specialist focus on English. I love reading, baking and being outdoors. If I had to describe myself in 3 words I would say I was creative, motivated and organised.

I am really looking forward to the year ahead getting to know you and your child, if you need anything I am always here to listen and help where I can. There are many adults who may be working with your child at some point but in case any of you are unsure of what I look like, you can have a look at the 'Whos' Who' page. 


Some information about Year 3:

As the children are now Year 3 and part of KS2 we are encouraging them to try and be a bit more independent and to think about what they can do for themselves to prepare for the school day. To help get the children into routine to start with please could you help us by checking that your child always has the correct school uniform, a drinks bottle as currently we cannot have spare cups in the classroom and their reading bag with their reading book in everyday. Your child will have been issued with a login for TTRS (Times Tables Rockstars) so that they can start practising their times tables, they can also use this log in to access Numbots which will allow them to ensure that their basic number bonds are also secure. If you have any issues with devices or computing equipment could you please let us know and we can arrange alternative provision. Now that the children are in KS2, we will be monitoring homework, which is set every Monday and should be handed in on a Monday.


Our current PE day is on a Monday and Tuesday, and the children can come into school in PE kit for the day, we will notify you if this changes as we do have external providers associated with school to enhance our provision; and they are only available on certain days. Please remember no earrings should be worn for health and safety reasons and a white round neck t-shirt and plain blue or black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms should be worn.


The children have settled in extremely well on on their first few days. From the first day, they have come in with big smiles and full of stories and things to tell me, it really does make me smile! Initially, we have been establishing routines and reminding the children of the rules which will help us to learn and keep everyone safe all at the same time, they are so eager to please and have already earned lots of track it light points! 

We have lots of new books we will be studying and  I love stories and at times get carried away when reading them, but the children's enthusiasm fuels this even more. I am really looking forward to seeing the journey we go on this year and the wonderful things we can share together.


Take care everybody,

Miss McTiernan and Mrs Donaghue

This week we have been looking at Sacraments specifically Baptism and looking at the signs and symbols associated with them. We have also started planning our own times of prayer that we will share with our class when we have finished. In Maths, we have been looking at complements to 100. We have been looking at all of the skills the write includes in our book The Iron Man ready to try to use them in our big write. In Italian, we are trying to remember all of the colours we have learned and in Art we have been using the different grips to add detail and to shade.

Week Three

This week we have started to read our first text of the year Iron Man, so far we have been shocked by the events on the story and have written a kenning poem describing his actions and behaviours. We have looked at different ways that we can divide 100 into equal groups in Maths. We have continued our PE with coach Dylan focusing on ball skills and in RE we have looked at Jesus called his friends to belong to his group of disciples and how they must have felt. 3SM also had the Rosary and we got to meet our Faith Friends.

The children have had wonderful first week back and have worked extremely hard. We have talked about our holidays, shared what we can remember learning from Year 2 and also made some new friends on the KS2 playground. We also celebrated the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we shared stories as to why Mary was such a special person, we said prayer and we completed some craft activities so that Mary would know how special she is to us too.
