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"Today is a great day to learn something new!"  

Summer 2 Week 5

The children have been looking at days of the week and time in Maths. The children have been using language such as ‘before’ and ‘after’. In English, the children have been describing the character George from George’s Marvellous Medicine. 

Summer 2 Week4 

The children have really enjoyed Sports Week. We participated in a sports tournament with all the children in KS1. 
For Refugee Week we participated in a walk which allowed us to reflect on the experiences of those who have had to leave their homes. The children wrote thoughtful prayers and thought about what the word home means. 

Summer 2 Week 3 

The children enjoyed reading 'The Most Important Animal of All' to celebrate Science Week and they created different pieces of work about elephants. The children created their own posters, fact files, elephant art and sentences. As part of our learning around George's Marvellous Medicine the children made posters to advertise their own medicine. In Maths, we recognised and named coins and looked at what coins we would need to buy different items. 

Summer 2 Week 2 

We have been writing instructions on how to make our own potion/medicine. The children have enjoyed listening to more of George’s Marvellous Medicine and used sentence starters first, next, then and finally to sequence their instructions. In maths, we continue our learning on coins/ money. In R.E the children have been learning about the New Testament and created a book cover for their favourite bible story. 

Summer 2 Week 1


We are looking forward to our final half term in Year 1. We have started looking at our new text George’s Marvellous Medicine. The children have made predictions and have written character descriptions. In Maths, we have continued looking at coins. The children have been looking at different ways to make an amount. 
We have been learning about Italy to prepare to celebrate italian day on the 7th June.

Summer 1 Week 7

The children have innovated the animal characters in our story ‘The Journey Home’. The children used the actions they created last week to help them re-tell the story. In maths, we started the week counting in 5’s and then began looking at coins. 

Summer 1 Week 6 

What we are doing this week:

-Reading ‘The Journey Home’

-Counting in 10’s

-PE with Coach Dylan and Coach Alex

-Practicing for our May Procession Mass

-Creating moving vehicles 


Summer 1 Week 5 

The children had lots of fun playing cricket in the sun with coach Dylan. What a great start to the week. In Maths, we are counting in 2's forward and backwards and using the numicon to help us. In English, we are continuing to look at our book 'There's a Rang-Tan in My Bedroom'. 


Summer 1 Week 4

This week we sent postcards as ‘Rang-tan’ from our new text ‘There’s a Rang-tan in my Bedroom’. The children talked about how they would feel if they were far from home like Rang-tan. In Maths , we have been solving addition and subtraction problems with teen numbers. 

Summer 1 Week 3

This week we started exploring the characters feelings in our new book There’s a Rang-tan in My Bedroom. The children sorted their feelings into a table and then wrote their own sentences using their phonics skills. In Maths, we continue to explore tens and ones as well as odd and even numbers. 

Summer 1 Week 2

Summer 1 Week 2

This week, we had PE with Coach Dylan. The children practiced their throwing and catching skills. They had to look at the ball and work in pairs to be successful. 
The children have been making estimations in Maths and putting numbers on the number line. In English we have used iPads to research lions and create a fact file. 

Summer 1, Week 1 

The children have been fantastic this week. 

We have started to write in pre-cursive style and the children have been working really hard each day. The children have read 'One Day On Our Blue Planet' and have learnt lots of facts about lions. Next week, the children will create their own 'Lion Fact File.' In Maths, the children have been looking at tens and ones. They have been able to identify how many tens and ones in teen numbers e.g. 17 has one ten and seven ones. 


Traction Man- Story planning Week 5

Spring 2 Week 5

The children loved listening to Traction Man’s adventures in various settings. The children were inspired to create their own adventure stories set in different parts of the classroom. The children used the iPads to take pictures and add/ draw their own ‘evil characters’. Some children chose the fruit bowl for their story setting and had the bananas being saved by Traction Man from the ‘evil apples’. Some other ideas included the ‘evil shapes’. I was so impressed with all the wonderful ideas, creativity and artistic talent. 

‘Mismatched Animals’- World Book Day

Spring 2 Week 4

Well done to the children in 1JD for their wonderful class mass. You read and sang beautifully on Wednesday morning. 

This week we have been exploring our new class text 'Traction Man is Here!' by Mini Grey. Next week, we will have the chance to create our own adventure stories and we will use the IPads to take pictures of different settings. In Maths, we have looked at subtraction and have been practicing our number bonds to 20. 

Spring 2 Week 3

In Year 1 we enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day. The children came to school in pyjamas or as a 'mismatched' animal. We created our own bookmarks and wrote a diary entry as Barnabus from 'The Barnabus Project.' In Maths, we re-visited odd and even numbers and looked at addition and subtraction. 

Spring 2 Week 2

Highlights of the week: 

-A wonderful mass led by 1SM. 

-Starting our new book 'The Barnabus Project'.

-Solving addition and subtraction equations. 

-Parent's Evening and sharing our work with our parents/ carers. 


Spring 2 Week 1

Welcome Back to Spring 2!

This week we have:

-Learnt about UB40. 

-Made our own musical instruments out of materials. 

-Thought about how we can show love in RE. 

-Solved addition and subtraction questions and represented our answers in different ways. 

Spring 1 Week 5

The children's enthusiasm for our space topic has been fantastic! We have thoroughly enjoyed reading 'Astro Girl and 'Toys in Space' this half term. The children have learnt space songs and done their own space research using our school IPads. 

In Maths, the children have used cubes and counters on their first, then and now boards to support their addition and subtraction learning. 


Spring 1 Week 4

The children have had lots of questions about space following the start of our new text 'Astro Girl'. The children created a guide to space. Some of the points included 'Eat space food, take care of the rocket and get used to floating.' We will continue to read this book next week and do our own research about space on the iPads. In Maths, we have started subtraction and have been writing our own number stories We will continue looking at parts and wholes next week. 

Spring 1 Week 3

This week we have been thinking about the characters feelings in our book 'Toys in Space'. The children have been working hard on their letter and number formation each morning. We have been practicing 'y, p and g.' Next week, we will start our new text 'Astro Girl'. 

Well done to the children for their fantastic space projects. They are a wonderful addition to our classroom and members of the school community have commented on the fantastic efforts. 

On Wednesday, the children in KS1 came together for 2MT's mass. The children sang and responded reverently. 

In Maths, we have continued exploring commutative law. E.g. 2 + 4 = 6  and 4 + 2 = 6    6 = 2 + 4 and 6 = 4 + 2. 

Spring 1 Week 2

The children have continued reading 'Toys in Space' by Mini Grey. The children were able to describe their favourite toy and create a lost toy poster. We will continue to explore this text next week. 

The children have been writing prayers and enjoyed our new unit in R.E- Jesus, Teacher and Healer. 

In Maths, we have been using bar models to represent our addition problems. 

P.E- The children worked on their balls skills and were working in teams to move around the cones in different ways. 



Spring 1 Week 1


Welcome back and Happy New Year! The children have had a wonderful week with our trip to the Think Tank being a highlight. The children enjoyed the night dome show in the planetarium and were able to look at different animals on the wildlife floor. We enjoyed role play in the mini brum and spent time in the play cafe, hairdressers, building site, doctors etc. We also enjoyed learning about the human body and different materials. Later in the week, the children also enjoyed ball skills with the Aston Villa coaches. Our focus in PE is ‘Look, Share, Collect.’

Autumn 2 Week 7

We have made a great start on our Christmas RE unit as we talked about Mary and Joseph's journey to Bethlehem. The children enjoyed watching the KS2 Carol Service and we talked about the meaning of Christmas. On Thursday, the children in St John's house enjoyed a celebration with Mrs McConvery. We also also had great fun during the Christmas hat parade and our final praise assembly of the term. The children showcased their Christmas hats and we were very impressed. 


Autumn 2 Week 6

This week, we have had lots of festive fun. The children were amazing in our Nativity performances on Tuesday and Wednesday and we were so proud of their singing and actions. We have also enjoyed our new book 'I want my hat back'. The children wrote questions to find out which hat belonged to Miss Jones. 

A highlight of the week was the pantomime on Thursday morning. The children enjoyed talking about their favourite parts of Cinderella. 

Autumn 2 Week 5

In Maths this week we have been looking at odd and even numbers. We used numicon to help us sort the odd and even numbers. 

1st December 2023 Dog Mentor Class of the Week

Autumn 2 Week 4

We have enjoyed welcoming the parents for our open maths lessons. The children have enjoyed exploring numbers to 10 and partitioning the whole using cubes and counters. 
In English, we read The Bear and the Piano and we have been describing the bear character. The children then thought of their own animal and instrument e.g. the cat and the drum. 

Autumn 2 Week 3

This week we learnt about Road Safety. The children watched a video, answered quiz questions and created posters to help children keep safe near the roads. 
On Tuesday, we had a Diwali story telling workshop. The children acted out the story of Rama and Sita. The children got the chance to work in two groups to create different characters. They used their arms and practiced different facial expressions. 
On Friday, we enjoyed World Youth Funday. The children listened to the Daughters of Divine Charity and sang along to ‘Rejoice in the Lord’ with body percussion. 

Diwali Storytelling Workshop Aut 2 Week 3

Autumn 2 Week 2- Praying the Rosary


The children in Year 1 had lots of fun this week. They especially enjoyed outdoor day on Tuesday. Nico said 'We made bears footprints. We used sticks.' Rumbi said ' I enjoyed balancing and jumping in PE.' Grace said 'We made bear dens.' Tziyion said 'Outdoor day was really fun and I worked in a group with my friends.' 


For anti-bullying week, the children did their safeguarding hands. They were able to think of five adults they can talk to if they are feeling worried or sad.

Autumn 2 Week 1

Welcome back to Autumn 2. We are excited for the busy, fun-filled half term ahead. 

In Maths, we have been looking at 5 and a bit. We have used counters and tens frames to identify what 5 needs to make a certain number e.g. 5 need 2 to make 7. 

In English, We have started our new topic 'Story Book Bears'. We have read 'The Bear Under the Stairs' and are excited to do some research about bears next week. 

In RE, we looked at Psalms and asked wondering questions. Example 'I wonder if there is a Psalm about animals.' 

Autumn 1 Week 7 

This week's highlights: African Drumming Workshop, Whole School Mass, Senses Activities and lots of basic skills! 

On Tuesday, we had the opportunity to play the African drums. The children learnt the song 'Che Che Kule' and sang along whilst playing the drums. The children listened carefully and had so much fun. We learnt what the drum was made from and described how it felt. 

On Wednesday, we celebrated St Luke's Feast Day with a whole school mass. The children read and sang beautifully. Well done, 1JD and all the children in Year 1 for being so reverent. 

We have continued our English lessons on our book 'Coming to England' by Floella Benjamin. The children looked at pictures of Trinidad and described what they might see, hear, smell, taste and feel. We also thought about how Floella might have felt when she got on the boat to come to England. 

In Maths, we have been using tens frames and counters to represent different amounts. The children have also been sorting items into groups and showing their answers in a part whole model. 

In PE, we have also been practicing ball skills and the children have been throwing, catching and rolling the balls to a partner. 

In Phonics, we are learning new Phase 5 sounds and recapping some of our Phase 3 and 4 learning from Reception. We have been reading words including 'er, oo, oo, ai, ee, igh, air, ear, ou, oy, ea, ay.'  

Autumn 1 Week 6

This week has been filled with lots of fun. The children have been using their sense of smell this week and enjoyed guessing the different scents. The children described them as minty, floral and fruity. 
On Thursday, we enjoyed Harry Potter Day where we did dragon maths and looked at some different settings from Harry Potter. 
We made crowns to celebrate St Edward’s Feast Day. 

Autumn 1 Week 5

We have had such a busy, fun filled week this week. The children really enjoyed seeing The Animal Man and having a Bug Hotel workshop.  

Next week, we will be finishing off our work on ‘Amazing Grace’ in our English lessons. We have all really enjoyed the story and hearing about how determined Grace was. We will also be starting a new book ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin, which will tie in with our Black History teaching.  

On Thursday, we will be celebrating Harry Potter day. Children are welcome to wear glasses or a scar for the day.  

In Maths, we will be continuing to work on parts and wholes, understanding that a group can make a whole (for example, a group of football players makes a whole team).  


Autumn 1 Week 5- Animal Man

Autumn 1 Week 4

In Maths, we have been looking at one more than a number and using the terminology: 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to'. The children have used the rekenreks and numicon to compare quantities.

We started our new class text 'The Day the Crayons Quit' and the children thought about how items in their house might feel. One of the children said their wellies might be sad because they only get worn on outdoor day. 

Next week, we are looking forward to animal man and the bug hotel! 

Autumn 1 Week 3

This week we were thinking about things that make us happy. In our class text 'Ruby's Worry, we read that she liked playing in the garden and swinging up high. The children wrote down all the things they enjoyed in their books. In Maths, the children have been using cubes and counters and sorting them into groups. The children have been comparing groups and sharing which group has more and fewer. The children have thought about different ways to represent numbers and have been practicing write numbers in digits and words. 


Our Active Learning sessions have been busy and focused. Highlights include;


Making models of our ideal classroom and labelling them. Focusing on prepositional vocabulary (next to, behind, on)


Using our observation skills to paint and draw pictures of animals for our Noah’s ark display. 


We made Worry dolls and followed the design process by choosing our own materials and following our design. 

Week beginning: 11th September 


The children have worked so hard this week! 

On Monday, we started reading our class text 'Ruby's Worry' by Tom Percival. The children thought of reasons why Ruby might be feeling worried and shared their ideas in groups. We looked at images from the text and thought about different feelings and emotions. The children received a letter from Ruby asking for help. Next week the children are going to respond to Ruby with ideas on how to get rid of her worry. 

In R.E, we have read the creation story in the bible and we went outside to look at our beautiful world. The children discussed what the word 'beginning' meant and drew pictures of the things God created on each day. 

Art week was filled with lots of colour and we learnt about ways we can show feeling and emotion with colour and facial expressions. We have created a self-portrait wall for our classroom display and we enjoyed our 'Portrait Workshop' with Mrs Scott. The children decorated frames with sequins, feathers and stickers to frame their self portraits. 

Week 2- Maths

Our Lady’s Birthday- Friday 8th August 2023

What a fantastic first week back to school we have had! I have been so proud of each and every child for settling in to the class routines and their attitude to learning. 

This week, we have been focusing on our gospel virtues ‘Grateful and Generous’. The children thought about what they are grateful for and ways we can show generosity. We have also made our own class rules which we have all agreed to try and follow. 

We celebrated Mary's birthday this week and made flowers. We went into the hall for a whole school prayer service. The children were reverent and respectful; joining in with responses and songs. 
Well done for a fantastic first week in Year 1. 

Academic Year- 2023/2024

Welcome to Class 1JD. Our class teacher is Mrs Donaghue. 

Incase you want to know a little bit more about me, I have put together a little something for you to read.


Dear Year 1 children and parents,


My name is Mrs Donaghue. I have had lots of experience in Year 1, Year 3 and Year 6 and I have thoroughly enjoyed them all for different reasons. I am currently teaching in Year 1, specifically 1JD. This will be my fourth year teaching in Year 1 at St Edward's. I am so pleased that I have such a wonderful class and can't wait for all the fun and learning we are going to do this year!

At university I studied Primary Education with a specialist focus on English. I love reading, baking and being outdoors. If I had to describe myself in 3 words I would say I was creative, motivated and organised.

I am really looking forward to the year ahead getting to know you and your child, if you need anything I am always here to listen and help where I can. There are many adults who may be working with your child at some point but in case any of you are unsure of what I look like, you can have a look at the 'Whos' Who' page. 



Mrs Donaghue smiley

Curriculum Overview 22-23

Summer 2 Week 4

The children have been preparing for sports day and enjoyed practicing the egg and spoon race and relays. We have been learning what the word 'disciple' means in RE and thinking about the qualities of a disciple. The children have also been writing words that have the 's' and 'es' suffix. 

Summer 2 Week 3- Refugee Week and Sports Week

Summer 2 Week 2

RE- Pentecost

Still image for this video
The children used musical instruments to create the scene when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Summer 2 Week 1 - 2D Shapes

Summer 1 Week 6 May Crowning

Summer 1 Week 5

Summer 1 Week 5

We had a fantastic time at the Botanical Gardens and learnt so much about plants and what they need to grow. The children loved finding out all the interesting facts about the plants in the glasshouses. We wrote down facts in the arid glasshouse, the subtropical glasshouse and the Mediterranean glasshouse. The children did some observational drawings of the bonsai trees in the Japanese garden and we enjoyed a picnic lunch on the lawn where we could see the birds. Well done to the children for their hard work and excellent behaviour. It was a wonderful day! 

Summer 1 Week 4

The children have been learning about plants. The children were able to label parts of a plant and name some common flowering plants. We are looking forward to our trip to Botanical Gardens. 

Summer 1 Week 3

The children enjoyed playing the Rosary. We prayed for our aspirations and the jobs/roles we will have in the future. The children dressed up as someone they aspire to be. 

On Friday, we learnt about the coronation ceremony and King Charles. The children learnt the national anthem and wore red, white and blue. We learnt the makaton signs for king and throne. 

Recycling Workshop- Wednesday 26th April

Italian Day- Tuesday 26th April

Outdoor Day- Summer 1 Week 2

Multi Skills Festival 18th April 2023

Summer 1 Week 1

Welcome back! The children have had a busy first week back. On Tuesday, we went to Bilseley Sports Centre to attend the Multi Skills Festival. The children practiced balancing, throwing, dribbling and even had a snowball fight. We had so much fun. The children particularly enjoyed going on the double decker bus. 

Spring 2 Week 5

Please log in to Numbots and complete the number bonds to 20 challenge. 

Spring 2, Week 4

This week has been filled with Phonics, reading, Maths, a new RE unit and lots more. 
The children created some fantastic art on Brian Travers from UB40 using a range of materials and colours. The children were reverent and respectful during our prayer service and have thought careful about Jesus’ messages during Lent. 



STEM WEEK- Spring 2 Week 3

Spring 2 Week 3

As part of STEM Week, the children in Year 1 have been learning about healthy eating. We designed our own healthy food plates. At the end of the week, Year 1 made healthy fruit yoghurt and spent time creating their own logo for their yoghurt company. 

When making the fruit yoghurts, the children thought about their cutting skills and healthy and safety.

School Closure - 10.03.23

Due to the weather warning, work has been set for the children to complete at home. This includes Maths, English, Phonics and Science. 

Please see below the work set for the morning.


In Maths we have been learning about addition and subtraction number bonds to 10. 

Please complete the number bonds to 10 activity sheet. There is also a number bonds to 10 mastery mat if your child would like to challenge themselves further.

In Science we have started looking at seasonal changes. 


Please go through the Science - Day and Night pdf. This gives the children more information on why we have day and night. It also covers some examples of things they might see during the day and night. The children will then need to complete the Science - Day and Night worksheet where they need to sort the words into the correct section in the Venn diagram.

Below are activities for Phase 3 and Phase 5. The Phase 3 worksheet is a matching activity; please read the sentences and match them to the picture. There is also a range of activities on the Phase 5 worksheet. 


Watch the video below all about the seasons. Using the writing frame, think about what you like to do in each season. 

We have provided a seasons word bank to support your writing. Remember to include capital letters, full stops and letter spaces. 

Spring 2 Week 2

The children have enjoyed our new book 'Orion and the Dark'. The children made predictions about the text and shared them with the class. 

We celebrated mass and have attended an assembly all about Lent. We received 'Lent in a bag' which included sand, a peg doll, stones, a candle and prayer cards. The children enjoyed putting the new items on our prayer space and discussing their meaning. 

We have also been exploring 'forgiveness'. The children learnt about actions and consequences. 

In Maths, we continued to look at number bonds to 10. The children looked at consecutive numbers with a difference of 1. 

World Book Day - Thursday 2nd March

Spring 2 Week 1 

The week that was… 

World Book Day 

UB40 visit!

We looked at poetry at the beginning of the week. We read ‘My Colours’ by Colin West and wrote our own fruit salad poem. The children have been practising their number bonds to 10 and have enjoyed playing maths games inside and outside the classroom. 

On World Book Day we read ‘Mother Earth is Weeping’. We discussed why our planet is important and what we can do to protect our planet. The children did some observational art looking outside and using different colours. 

Spring 1 Week 7 

The children have really enjoyed all our learning on explorers. We have learnt lots about explorers Captain Scott and Ernest Shackleton. The children created a packing list for a cold place and thought about where they would like to go on an adventure. The children enjoyed using the IPads on computing day and learnt how to edit photos on Jit 5 and log in to their BGFL using a QR code. We also used the paint app to create a digital seasons picture. 
On Thursday, we had a visit from CAFOD and Sr Elena delivered a workshop. We thought about what we can do to make the world a better place. 

Spring 1 Week 6 

Well done to all the children in Year 1 for their hard work in our assembly. 

Things we have been doing this week: 

-Safer Internet Day games and posters 

-Research on the iPads about Ernest Shackleton and explorers. 

-Addition and subtraction in Maths. 

-Writing facts. 

-Team games for Children's Mental Health Week

-The story of the Lost Sheep

and lots more!


Spring 1 Week 5 

This week, we have learnt about the moon. Here is some more thngs we have done: created fact files; solved addition problems in maths; practiced for our assembly; read the story of The Good Samaritan and The Prodigal Son and explored questions such as 'Do we always need to forgive?' 

The children have worked hard as always and can't wait to present their assembly on 'Animals' next week. 


Outdoor Maths

Science- Animal Groups (Spring 2- Week 4)

Spring 1, Week 3 

The children celebrated their first class mass. Well done Year 1 for your singing and reading. 

We have been working hard in Phonics and guided reading. Please read your child’s decodable book each day and practice phase 3 and phase 5 digraphs and trigraphs. 
The children have been learning ‘I Got You Babe’ by UB40 as part of a challenge. The children have created information posters and musical instruments. 

Spring 1 Week 2

Think Tank

We had such a wonderful day at the Think Tank. We started the day off in the Planetarium for the Night Dome Show. The children then spent time in Mini Brum; building, playing shops, hairdressers, doctors, dentist, restaurant and fixing in the workshop. We looked at the animals and what animal group they belonged to. The children even pointed out some animals that were carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. We learnt about the human body and healthy eating. It was so much fun! 

Spring 1, Week 1

Welcome Back

Happy New Year! We are so pleased to be back together as a class family and we are so excited about all our learning this term. This week we have been writing about the Christmas break and sharing what we have been doing in groups. The children learnt some new hymns in preparation for our school mass and were respectful and reverent. 

We have been talking about our trip to the Think Tank and the links to our learning. In Geography, we have been learning about our local area and school grounds. The children went outside to look at the features of the key stage 1 playground and created labelled models and drawings. In Science, we have continued our learning about animals and the groups they belong to. 

In P.E, the children learnt some dance moves and in groups created and performed their own dance routine to music. 

Autumn 2 Week 7 

The children have worked so hard this week and have enjoyed our festive activities. 

We had a great afternoon on Thursday watching the pantomime 'Aladdin'. Miss Westwood was singing and dancing with the children. We have spent time this week learning about Advent and the preparations for Jesus' birth. 

Have a happy and holy christmas. 


Autumn 2 Week 6

The children were wonderful in our whole school nativity. Well done! 

This week, we also led our first whole school mass. The children read and sang beautifully. 

In English, we have been looking at the poem celebration which links to our class text 'Where the Wild Things Are'. The children wrote their own poems using words with 'ing ending. Ask the children to share some with you. 

Autumn 2 Week 5 

The children have been practicing for our Mass and we can't wait to welcome the parents to join us on Thursday to celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception. 

The children have also been practicing for our Nativity and have sang beautifully. We can't wait to perform on Tuesday and Wednesday. 1JW parents are invited to attend on Wednesday 7th December. 

The children have been reading our new class text 'Where the Wild Things Are' and thought about how they would feel if they were the king of the wild things for a day. 

In Maths, the children have been partitioning numbers using the part whole model. 

On Friday, we enjoyed our Rudolph Run and we thank you for your donations. 

Autumn 2 Week 4 Computing Day 22.11.22

We have really enjoyed reading our new class text 'One Day On Our Blue Planet...In The Savannah'. The children have learnt so much about lions and are looking forward to writing fact files next week. On computing day, the children also used the iPads to research lions in preparation for this too. The children also learnt how to use the paint app on JIT 5 and used different tools to create pictures on a range of backgrounds. 

In Maths, we have been using different coloured cubes to support our learning on the part whole model. 

In R.E, the children have been learning about prayer. We took to time learn the prayer 'Glory Be'. 

Autumn 2 Week 3 Odd Socks Day

Autumn 2, Week 3 

On Monday we wore odd socks to kick start Anti-bullying week. We watched a video and spoke about reaching out and speaking up if you or someone else in being bullied. 

On Tuesday, the children absolutely loved our retreat day. The day was called 'Let all creation sing.' In Year 1, our focus was animals of the ocean and Miss Phispon even showed us a real starfish. We spent time singing and praying together as a whole school family. 

The children have been writing their own version of 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea' with a new animal character. We used a story map to help us with our writing. We have also celebrated 'Road Safety Week'. The children created banners, posters and postcards to share important messages about road safety. 

Autumn 2 Week 2 

This week we went outdoors and created a tea party for the tiger who came to tea. The children went into the mud kitchen to make lots of delicious food and drinks for the tiger and even created tables and chairs using tyres, wooden planks and sticks. I was so impressed with the children's creativity and wonderful ideas. We spent the afternoon on a scavenger hunt using our five senses which is part of our science topic 'Animals including humans'. 


The children were reverent and respectful during our Mass led by Year 3. They sang beautifully and joined in with prayers and responses. 

Diwali Dance Workshop

Autumn 2, Week 1 

The children enjoyed our new class text 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'. They made predictions and thought of words to describe the tiger. 

In Maths, we have been comparing groups and exploring less, more and equal to.

In R.E the children have been thinking about family and celebrations. The children explored the importance of Sunday in the church and the key features of a mass. 

Autumn 1, Week 7 

What a busy week! The children enjoyed creating self portraits with Mrs Scott on Monday and learnt a song called 'Marvelous Me'. Ask the children to sing the new song they learnt at home. 

The children also enjoyed an upcycling workshop on Tuesday. All they needed was scissors, glue and some recycled materials to create a book. On Thursday, the children had a computing day and learnt all about online safety. The children answered questions and created posters to share everything they had learnt. The children know that they need to tell a trusted adult when using a computer or device. 

Autumn 1 Week 6- Maths Week 


This week has been Maths Week and we have learnt lots about famous mathematicians. Miss Costello delivered an inspiring assembly and the children recognised that they are all mathematicians and maths can be found in all that we do. We learnt about Ada Lovelace and created portraits of her using a range of shapes. Take a look at our mathematical art below. 

Year 3 led a lovely Mass on Wednesday and the children were so reverent. They responded and sang beautifully. 

The children really enjoyed reading our new class text 'Dogger' and learnt more about toys which linked with our History lessons. The children described their favourite toys and the reasons why it is their favourite toy. 

In Science, we explored our five senses. The children engaged in a senses carousel and described what they could see, hear, smell, taste and feel.  

Autumn 1, Week 5 

This week we welcomed Darren Harris who is an England Blind Footballer and British Paralympian. He was truly inspirational and we had a great morning completing HIIT workouts and learning how to play blind football. The children had great fun on outdoor day as we started in the forest using materials to build a house for a monster. The children thought about our class text 'My Friend the Monster' and thought of suitable materials to build the monster character somewhere to stay. In the afternoon, we used our fantastic school grounds to complete a Maths orienteering game. The children wrote single digit numbers in words. The children then ventured on to the KS2 playground and looked for signs of autumn using a checklist. The children found mushrooms, acorns, seeds, conkers and different coloured leaves. 

Autumn 1, Week 4 

The children have learnt about St Therese of Liseux as we celebrated 'Little Way Week'. The children created flowers and drew pictures of acts of kindness. In Maths, we have been looking at one more than a number and using the terminology: 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to'. 

We started our new class text 'My Friend the Monster' and the children made predictions about what was under the bed. We also created lost posters, using descriptive language. 



Autumn 1 Week 2 Homework

Autumn 1, Week 3 Reading Practice

This week we were thinking about things that make us happy. In our class text 'Ruby's Worry, we read that she liked playing in the garden and swinging up high. The children wrote down all the things they enjoyed in their books. In Maths, the children have been using tens frames and number tracks to support their counting. The children have thought about different ways to represent numbers and have been practicing write numbers in digits and words. 

Week beginning: 12th September 

ART WEEK- Good to be Me

The children have worked so hard this week! 

On Monday, we started reading our class text 'Ruby's Worry' by Tom Percival. The children thought of reasons why Ruby might be feeling worried and shared their ideas in groups. We looked at images from the text and wrote captions. As a class we created a story map; the children then created their own story map plan to support their writing next week. 

In R.E, we have read the creation story in the bible and we went outside to look at our beautiful world. The children discussed what the word 'beginning' meant and drew pictures of the things God created on each day. 

Art week was filled with lots of colour and we learnt about ways we can show feeling and emotion with colour and facial expressions. The children drew their own colour monsters and selected a colour to show an emotion. We have created a self-portrait wall for our classroom display and we look forward to our 'Portrait Workshop' in October with Mrs Scott. 

The children have spent time this week remembering and praying for Queen Elizabeth II and the rest of the Royal Family.

Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace. Amen.


Week Beginning 5th September 

What a fantastic first week back to school we have had! I have been so proud of each and every child for settling in to the class routines and their attitude to learning. 

This week, we have been focusing on our mission statement “Jesus is at the Heart of all that we do”, and how we can apply this to what we do in school. The children thought of some wonderful ways to show this. We have also made our own class rules which we have all agreed to try and follow. 

We celebrated Mary's birthday this week and made flowers, birthday cards and prayers. 

Mary's Birthday


Our P.E day is Thursday.


Your child can wear:

  • Jogging bottoms (blue)
  • School P.E t-shirt
  • School cardigan or jumper
  • Trainers
  • Please remember no earrings should be worn for health and safety reasons and a white round neck t-shirt with the school badge and plain blue or black shorts/ tracksuit bottoms should be worn.

Welcome to Class 1JW. Our class teacher is Miss Westwood. 

Incase you want to know a little bit more about me, I have put together a little something for you to read.


Dear Year 1 children and parents,


My name is Miss Westwood. I have had lots of experience in Year 1, Year 3 and Year 6 and I have thoroughly enjoyed them all for different reasons. I am currently teaching in Year 1, specifically 1JW. I am so pleased that I have such a wonderful class!

At university I studied Primary Education with a specialist focus on English. I love reading, baking and being outdoors. If I had to describe myself in 3 words I would say I was creative, motivated and organised.

I am really looking forward to the year ahead getting to know you and your child, if you need anything I am always here to listen and help where I can. There are many adults who may be working with your child at some point but in case any of you are unsure of what I look like, you can have a look at the 'Whos' Who' page. 



Miss Westwood smiley

As the children are now Year 1 we are encouraging them to try and be a bit more independent and to think about what they can do themselves to prepare for the school day. Please could you help us by checking that we always have our correct uniform, drink bottle and reading bag with our reading book every day? 


Our class Saint is Saint Francis of Assisi. We will be learning all about his life and why he is such a special Saint for us. 


